Risen - a sceptic's perspective
Thoughts on the film Risen which looks at the resurrection of Jesus through the eyes of a sceptical Roman soldier.
Thoughts on the film Risen which looks at the resurrection of Jesus through the eyes of a sceptical Roman soldier.
Delve deeper into some of the religious and spiritual aspects behind the Star Wars series.
A sample chapter from Back in Time: A thinking fan's guide to Doctor Who.
Rachel Helen Smith considers two recent developments in film: horror and 3D. Karl Marx famously claimed, "Religion is the opiate of the…
What does J.B. Priestley's play An Inspector Calls have to say to us about sin, responsibility and being human?
A review of Mamma Mia! - the movie.
A review of the recent Sherlock Holmes films and BBC TV series.
Twenty questions to help us think more carefully about films - or to use in film discussion evenings.
The Shawshank Redemption has earned a reputation for being one of the most popular films of all time. Despite an unimpressive performance…
An examination of a life falling apart in the film 'Locke'.
A review of the film The Spiderwick Chronicles.
What can we learn from the film Bruce Almighty?
A list of some films that will generate some great discussions for a film evening - or just to enjoy with some friends.
Philosopher Peter S. Williams reviews the Christian, Hindu and Secular Humanist perspectives on themes of Truth, Faith and Hope in the…
Swan Lake is a beautiful, tragic story. The delicate art of ballet sensitively describes both the joy and turmoil of its main characters.…
The King's Speech is book-ended by two speeches. The first is a disaster, a deeply humiliating experience for Prince Albert, Duke of York…
What would the world be like if no one had ever lied? Ricky Gervais's new film, The Invention of Lying, explores this question with the…
A review of the film Inkheart.
It seems like we can't do without God; or anyway something like him. 'In each of us there is an empty hole in the shape of God', said…
In this talk, Andrew Fellows connects the use of films to the stage of subversion in the apologetics process. This can then be followed by…
What can we learn from the current obsession for nostalgia?
A film review and discussion guide to 'Paddington'.
Some guidelines on how to run a film discussion evening and how to choose a suitable film.
A review of the film The Odd Life of Timothy Green.
A review of the film Les Misérables.
A review of Doctor Who, Series 4 starring David Tennant and Catherine Tate.
One of the most moving films of 2008, The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas is a powerful, haunting story about the horrors of the Holocaust.…
A Study Guide to the film Little Miss Sunshine.
A review of Batman Begins.
'Whispers of Redemption' in Maleficent, Disney's makeover of Sleeping Beauty.
A review of the film The Great Gatsby.
The dwarves have all the best songs. Whether they are singing raucous ditties about smashing Bilbo’s best crockery or low, mournful…
I watched The Grey the other night, and thought it was disturbing, haunting, devoid of hope and the best film I'd seen in a long time. The…
How do you begin to tell stories about a war which claimed more than fifteen million lives? For children's author Michael Morpurgo, the…
An old lady in a headscarf is buying a pint of milk in a local shop. She’s surprised by the price of the milk, and disturbed by the…
The colour red suffuses We Need to Talk About Kevin. Red paint is smeared across walls and car window screens, red jam oozes out of…
What do we do when opportunities come our way? Do we sit back and watch them pass us by, or do we seize the day and chase our dreams? It is…
Perhaps a society truly becomes lost when it doesn't know how lost it is. This is the eerie suggestion put forward by Never Let Me Go,…
One of the many changes which the Internet has brought into our lives is that it is remarkably easy to masquerade as something we're not.…
When newspaper columnist Steve Lopez (Robert Downey Jr.) meets homeless, schizophrenic Juilliard-dropout Nathaniel Anthony Ayers Jr. (Jamie…
Vampires are currently one of the biggest phenomena in popular culture. They are central to hit television series like True Blood, Being…
Big Mike walks as though every step is an effort. Head and shoulders taller and a good few inches broader than everyone he passes, dressed…
Writer / directors Joel and Ethan Coen’s latest cerebral masterpiece is a fable on the purpose of morality, and the reasons for…
Teachers lurk anxiously behind tinsel-covered curtains; excited children wait for their big moment; and nervous parents hope that their…
In 1959, the children of a new elementary school bury a time capsule containing their ideas of what they think the world will be like in…
It doesn’t take usually take too much persuasion to get me to try a new box set of DVDs, but I have to say that I was a little…
A review of the SF film Jumper.
A review of the film Juno.
A review of the film I Am Legend.
A review of the TV series Spooks.
A review of the film of Philip Pullman's The Golden Compass.
Review of Amazing Grace in the light of whether religion is a force for good or for bad.
A review of some of the ethics in The Family Man TV drama.
An introduction to the new Ben-Hur film, with details of resources for churches and other groups.
At one time, every parent and child knew all about Nativity plays. Many will have memories and photographs of tea-towel-adorned shepherds,…
M (Judi Dench) is nothing if not pragmatic. Before the opening credits of Skyfall have even rolled, she has allowed not one, but two of her…
David Cronenberg built his reputation on making challenging, boundary-breaking films which explore sexuality, violence and death. So…
According to the Romans, ‘bread and circuses’ were the key to keeping a population content. As long as their immediate physical…
The second of the two films adapted from J.K. Rowling’s final Harry Potter novel begins at the place where the first left us hanging:…
'El Camino de Santiago' or 'the Way of St. James' spans 800km across France and Spain. With its destination believed to be the burial place…
What happens when people are given free reign to do what they want with impunity? When there are no consequences for their actions because…
The world's only consulting detective steps into the 21st Century in the BBC series Sherlock. Benedict Cumberbatch portrays the titular…
The sun rises over the townships of South Africa on 10th May 1994. And the question at the back of everybody's mind is posed aloud by the…
How do we know who or what to trust? This is one of the key questions of the world we live in today. So many claims compete for our trust:…
There are many people who will have switched off during the first five minutes of Skins, E4’s notorious wild-child. The show is…
The statistics are every bit as mind-boggling as the spectacle. A reported budget of $280,000,000 makes James Cameron’s Avatar one of…
The Torchwood team have come a long way since their first rather dubious dealings with extraterrestrial invaders back in 2006. Billed as…
Based on the iconic 1980s cartoon series and film of the same name, Transformers is the story of Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf), an ordinary…
A review of the film of Dan Brown's Angels and Demons.
A review of J.J. Abrams' Star Trek film.
A review of the book and film of Watchmen.
A review of The X-Files: I Want to Believe.
Khaled Hosseini’s best-selling novel The Kite Runner, set in the author’s homeland Afghanistan, became a Hollywood blockbuster…
Why do people do the things they do? It’s a question the world’s greatest philosophers, theologians, scientists and doctors…
A look at how the rise of mass media has helped us create alternative 'electronic universes' – worlds where God has no place.
A review of the film The Bourne Ultimatum.
Jodi Picoult is not an author to shy away from controversial topics. Her novels cover issues such as rape, suicide pacts and genetically…
A review of the film and book The Corporation.
The biggest television hit in the USA since ER first aired has hit UK screens this year. Set in a wealthy and pristine suburban cul-de-sac,…
Kingdom of Heaven offers a very twenty-first century take on twelfth century history. In a war-torn world troubled by religious conflict,…
An exploration of the themes in The Greatest Showman, with questions for reflection and discussion.
Why are so many of the films and TV shows we enjoy obsessed with the end of the world?
A review of the Oscar winning film 'Gravity' considers the themes of isolation, death, sacrifice and rebirth.
James Bond has been in the spying business for such a long time that he really ought to be up for a long-service award. But the…
"Make them remember you." The Doctor’s advice to Amy and Rory as they faced the Parliament of the Daleks (episode 1: 'Asylum of the…
How can we be transformed through suffering? Surprisingly, the eighties cult film The Karate Kid offers some insights. If you're unfamiliar…
Yet another film foray into Wonderland demonstrates the abiding charm of Lewis Carroll’s Alice stories. But Tim Burton’s…
We imagine war is tough. We know it puts great strain on soldiers. But is war a drug? Even ‘the supreme drug of human…
Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
‘What do you do when you're not sure?’ Father Brendan Flynn (Philip Seymour Hoffman) opens his sermon with a question which…
Having suffered a drawn-out divorce, a failed rebound relationship and a debilitating bout of depression, Elizabeth Gilbert decides to go…
Towards the end of God on Trial, broadcast on Wednesday 3rd September 2008 on BBC2, a group of Auschwitz prisoners concluded that God was…
To my mind, one of the main interests of Philip Pullman’s controversial trilogy is not specifically related to the books. It lies in…
Fiona Stewart find worlds of light and shade in her review of the film Bridge to Terabithia. Every day before catching the bus to school…
The Lone Ranger (2013) has been such a flop at the US box-office that critics are heralding the death of the Western. Are these critics…
A review of the film Lincoln.
Some thoughts about the film Prometheus and the human search for meaning.
Dom Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a very unusual sort of criminal. Along with the pragmatic Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), he is paid to…
As Andy leaves for college, Sheriff Woody (Tom Hanks), space ranger Buzz (Tim Allen) and what remains of the old gang confront the reality…
‘You can live your life without limitations and become anyone you want to be.’ Disease and injury, ageing and ugliness, death…
A review of the film Last Chance Harvey.