"Thou shalt not be certain"
Should we be certain about anything to do with God? Is radical uncertainty about God just being respectful of his greatness?
Should we be certain about anything to do with God? Is radical uncertainty about God just being respectful of his greatness?
Professor Gary R. Habermas wrote this book for 'Christians who doubt' as well as those who are just a little unsure about their faith.
We live in a sceptical age. We are sceptical about politics, so millions do not vote. Sceptical about the police, apparently ridden with…
In this 50 minute talk, William Lane Craig considers how the philosophical study of knowledge (epistemology) illuminates the validity of…
This workshop addresses the function of the will both in the formation of a belief and the critical review (audit) of one’s network…
Creating a work of philosophy that is both deeply rich in meaning and accessible to a non-philosophically-trained audience is a daunting…
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at the University of California, Santa Barbara in February 1998, Dr James Sire considers the role of…
Greg Grooms reflects on knowledge, certainty and how we know what we know. After a whistlestop tour through the philosophical reflections…
In this talk, Dick Keyes considers what agnostics believe, why they believe it and whether they are justified in believing it. He then asks…