"Christianity is completely irrational and not testable"
Responding to the common objection that Christianity is irrational rather than based on any factual evidence.
Related resources for The Evidence for Christianity
Responding to the common objection that Christianity is irrational rather than based on any factual evidence.
How does the historical Jesus compare with the Jesus we find in the Qur'an and with the historical Muhammad?
An in-depth engagement with historian Tom Holland's account of Christianity's lasting impact on thinking and morality of the West.
Justin Brierley reflects on why he is still a Christian after ten years on hosting debates with atheists
Giotto’s famous fourteenth century painting of Pilate [view it here] is an intriguing departure from the popular interpretation of…
The resurrection of Jesus is the basis for Christian faith (1 Corinthians 15) and Christian hope (1 Peter 1–3). Therefore the…
We know that nobody is perfect, but don't Christians claim to be 'good people'?
Scientism says that science is the source of all our knowledge. Does this make sense or are there other sources for what we can know?
An examination of history, evidence, faith, fideism and natural theology.