Was Jesus a Real Person?
This video examines the historical evidence for the life of Jesus, including discussion of the non-biblical evidence.
This video examines the historical evidence for the life of Jesus, including discussion of the non-biblical evidence.
This fascinating lecture points out the details which show that the New Testament Gospels must have been based on eyewitness accounts.
How can we know if the New Testament is historically reliable?
Do any other ancient documents help to confirm the trustworthiness of the New Testament?
This simple advice will help you answer tricky questions about what the Bible says.
A lawyer's examination of the evidence for Christianity.
Peter S. Williams examines the historical reliability of the New Testament in the light of the findings of archaeology. “On the…
The New Testament makes the assertion that the truth of Christianity stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul…
Hasn't the New Testament been changed since it has been copied and recopied throughout history? A common misconception is that the…