Angels, Wise Men and a Baby: Why Doesn’t God Show Himself?
A look at how the events of the first Christmas show God has given us enough evidence for us to be confident that he is there and that he…
Engage with the debate about whether God exists. Is there any way to decide the answer? Do the evidence and the arguments point towards or away from the existence of God?
A look at how the events of the first Christmas show God has given us enough evidence for us to be confident that he is there and that he…
William Lane Craig and Richard Dawkins have finally ended up in a debate on the topic 'Does the Universe Have a Purpose?' at a conference…
Some responses to the question 'Does God exist?'
This is a ‘wham-bam, take it or leave it’ book. Prof. Grayling issues terse, often idiosyncratic, definitions without…
Christians Richard Morgan and Todd Pitner discuss with atheist Gordon Livesey the value of religious experience for belief in God.…
A review of the Oxford debate between Richard Dawkins and Alister McGrath.
This documentary contains never-before-seen interviews with attendees and participants from the 2011 Reasonable Faith Tour.
Is there truly a God? How can anyone be sure such a being exists? We believe that the existence of God, and questions such as these…