Stephen Fry and God
Ian Paul responds to Stephen Fry's comments on what he would say to God.
Related resources for How Can a Good God allow Suffering?
Ian Paul responds to Stephen Fry's comments on what he would say to God.
The existence of evil seems to challenge the idea of an all-powerful God of love. Here is one person's account of grappling with this…
'Epicurus's old questions are yet unanswered. Is he willing to prevent evil, but not able? then he is impotent. Is he able, but not…
Why is there evil in the world if there is a God? Why isn’t he doing something about it?
Examining the problem of suffering first as an intellectual question and then as an emotional and visceral issue.
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at the Texas A&M University in February 2005, Professor Eleonore Stump considers how a 'second…
“Can God exist?” We often ask this question as we look at the suffering and pain around us, and the question that is really on…
Helpful pointers for answering questions about the harsh reality of suffering.
This is the first of two talks given by Andrew Wilson at Grace Church, Chichester. He uses five stories from the Bible to illustrate his…