C.S. Lewis and the Language of Apologetics
A look at how the type of language C.S Lewis used made his apologetics so effective.
Related resources for Freud's Dad & Dawkins' Delusion C.S. Lewis Responds?
A look at how the type of language C.S Lewis used made his apologetics so effective.
The Dawkins Letters are a response to Richard Dawkins' book The God Delusion. The author, David Robertson, wrote a series of letters to…
A talk on 'Science and Its Proper Boundaries: The Legacy of C.S. Lewis' outlining Lewis' views on science and scientism.
This workshop will consider the relationship between faith and reason, what might count as evidence for religious claims, and the…
An examination of various responses to the question "What is Truth?"
This extract from 'Atheism's New Clothes' responds to the accusation that theology is empty, like the Emperor's New Clothes.
Is Christianity just a crutch for the weak, unintelligent and scared, or is it far more than that?
At the start of 2005, online magazine ‘Edge The World Question Centre’ posed the following question to a number of scientific…
A short suggestion on how to respond to un-evidenced assertions at college, university or anywhere else...