The Great Truth Divorce
Dr Little asks whether science and religion are completely different in how they find truth. Are there two ways of knowing - one by facts…
Related resources for Agnosticism and Christianity
Dr Little asks whether science and religion are completely different in how they find truth. Are there two ways of knowing - one by facts…
This three part seminar gives an historical overview of the various schools of thought on the subject epistemology - how we can know…
A review of Ian McEwan's Saturday.
Dick Keyes reflects on the three ideas of Pluralism, Relativism and Tolerance and the relationship between them. He argues that there is…
How do you respond when someone says 'Being a Christian is good for you, but I don't need that'? A look at the ramifications our…
This workshop will consider the relationship between faith and reason, what might count as evidence for religious claims, and the…
Brief introductions to the history, beliefs and practices of different religions, with pointers for sharing Jesus.
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at the University of California, Santa Barbara in February 1998, Dr James Sire considers the role of…