When Did People First Believe Jesus Was the Son of God?
This video considers how long it took before Jesus's first followers came to believe that he was the Son of God.
Engage with the debate on whether we can trust the Bible. Consider the evidence for and against the reliability and trustworthiness of the Bible.
This video considers how long it took before Jesus's first followers came to believe that he was the Son of God.
How big are the differences between the hand-written copies of the Gospels' accounts of Jesus? Do these undermine what we can know about…
Jewish believers in Jesus (Y'shua) are often confronted with this ‘question’: If Jesus is the Messiah, didn't he accomplish…
The usual attempts to defend the historical reliability of the New Testament are often fairly general in nature. These arguments are…
Some reflections on why the canonical Gospels are in the Bible whereas the apocryphal Gospels are not.
How many hand-written copies of the Gospel accounts are there? What does this reveal about possible mistakes?
Finkelstein and Mazar represent two of the most influential Israeli archaeologists of the present generation. Finkelstein is a professor at…
How can anyone believe the New Testament account of the life of Jesus, seeing that it was written so long after His death? There seems to…
A review of Bart Ehrman's book claiming that many of the New Testament documents were falsely written under someone else's name.