After God
Pete Lowman asks what happens to the sense of Identity, Purpose, Ethics and Love when a culture tries to live without God.
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Pete Lowman asks what happens to the sense of Identity, Purpose, Ethics and Love when a culture tries to live without God.
Andrew Fellows examines the problems that can arise when reason and imagination are separated in human life. He argues that only in Christ…
Is belief in Christianity and God like believing in the tooth fairy? Or are there rational grounds that justify the beliefs of Christians?
If you've ever been embarrassed by the miracles in the Bible, here are some thoughts to help you respond.
In 1859, Charles Darwin published On The Origin of Species, and the debate about how his theory of evolution relates to the first few…
What cultural shifts have led to the current gender debate?
Alister McGrath explains how the atheism of Richard Dawkins is grounded in his understanding of the natural sciences.
Yuval Noah Harari’s 'Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind' is a fascinating book, yet there are also deep flaws.
A response to the claim made by Dawkins in 'The God Delusion' and by other atheists that Einstein did not believe in God.