Heaven, Hell & Eternal Life - Is Jesus the Only Way?
How can we know whether there is more than one way to salvation?
Related resources for Further links: The arrogance of Christianity
How can we know whether there is more than one way to salvation?
Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be…
Is there any reason to believe that Jesus is the only way to God, when there are so many other religions?
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks whether the Resurrection of Jesus was a fact or fiction.
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks why the events of the first Christmas show us what God is like.
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet on the Crucifixion of Jesus - was it just a con trick?
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks 'Has science disproved God?'
Faced with a dizzying array of religions, how can anyone say 'this one way is the truth and the only truth’?
With so many different religions and ways of viewing the world, how can Christians claim their way is the right one?