Possible Answers to Basic Philosophical Questions
Francis Schaeffer considers how Christians might provide possible answers to some of the basic philosophical questions that challenge…
Related resources for Studying ... Philosophy?
Francis Schaeffer considers how Christians might provide possible answers to some of the basic philosophical questions that challenge…
An examination of various responses to the question "What is Truth?"
What does it mean to write from a Christian worldview?
In Fictional Absence, Pete Lowman considers the presence and absence of God in English literature. It has been slightly revised for…
Derrida lays many of his presuppositions out in a hard but very important essay called 'Structure, Sign and Play' in the Discourse of the…
Being a student of Sport and Exercise Science, it is important that you are prepared for three years of questions like, “So do you just…
Some thoughts on studying archaeology and / or anthropology as a Christian.
The act of reading is an act of decoding. Until our everyday habits are disrupted, we don’t realize how complex a process it is. How…
Universities are changing fast. We only have to watch the news to realise that the education system is undergoing massive upheaval at every…