What in the World Is a Worldview?
Why do people disagree about the big questions? Part of the answer is that we all see the world differently.
Related resources for Is 'Science vs God' Fake News?
Why do people disagree about the big questions? Part of the answer is that we all see the world differently.
A Christian perspective on studying or working in the field of chemistry.
The ongoing scientific quest to explore space – 'the final frontier' – is intimately bound up with the search for 'strange new…
Neo-atheist Sam Harris alleges that the faith of Christian geneticist Francis Collins is unscientific: James Watson, the co-discoverer…
This is Part 1 of Peter S. Williams' article 'Intelligent Designs on Science', which is the final paper in a series of interactions between…
The belief that science and religion are in fundamental conflict runs deep. But is it really as simple as that?
Does a Universe that ‘runs itself’ need God? Oddly, the answer to this question is ‘No’. And ‘Yes’.
When your friends bombard you with questions, how can you cope? Here's one suggestion to take the pressure off.
A look at some of the challenges and opportunities for Christians studying Physics.