If Love Wins, What is Lost? A Response to Rob Bell

Paul Coulter provides a list of recommended further reading for his review of Rob Bell's book Love Wins.

I have decided in this response to keep references to other books to a minimum since my intention has been to interact with Love Wins in the light of Scripture. Some books have been mentioned in the footnotes, but in this section I will list only three books. They have been selected on the basis that they model a good approach to discussion between Christians of different perspectives. Each of them contains chapters by several contributors and responses by the other contributors.

On the nature of Hell

William Crockett (editor), Four Views on Hell, Counterpoints: Bible and Theology (1996, Zondervan)

On the scope of salvation

John Sanders (editor), What About Those Who Have Never Heard?: Three Views on the Destiny of the Unevangelized (1995, IVP Academic)

On the uniqueness of Christ

Dennis Okholm and Timothy Phillips (editors), Four Views on Salvation in a Pluralistic World, Counterpoints: Bible and Theology (1996, Zondervan)

Go back to Introduction

© 2011 Paul Coulter
This article is published on bethinking.org by the kind permission of the author.